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Bernhardswinden 111 - 91522 Ansbach - Germany
An old barn far from the downtown white cubes and without the economic power of rural museums built by art patronage. Not obvious, like art itself. No incidental arriving. To some respect inaccessible, but open.
This is the place - the void. A space for conversation and collaboration.
Absurd it may seem, and calculating it truly is. But as an image of the void, it is neither within the centre nor on the verge, but it is an activity in between.
The place is, like art, in the gap. Its realisation is beyond expectation. Open to art and life. Empty.
Off the main routes there has always been byways. If you like to make it:
From Ansbach
Walk south towards Meinhardswinden. Straight on to Bernhardswinden. Turn left at the second junction. Its the second house on the left hand side.
From Nurenberg
Autobahnausfahrt Ansbach / Brodswinden Richtung Ansbach und gleich rechts von der Bundesstrasse abbiegen und den Schildern Richtung Desmannsdorf und Bernhardswinden folgen. In Bernhardswinden nach der Ortseinfahrt links dann an der X-Kreuzung in der Dorfmitte links abbiegen. Die leerstelle ist in der Scheune zum zweiten Anwesen auf der linken Seite ehe es den Berg hinauf geht.
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